Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Keepin up

With the hopes of trying to finish cleaning my house today after over a week of
not doing much... I am actually WANTING to clean it. :D Not that's is so dirty its
driving me crazy but I need to get in there and scrub and organize and clean because
it will feel GOOD! :-D

I have a mountain of clothes to fold! But hey its washed! :-)

The ants seem to come and go... not sure why! They should be SCARED of me!

And I need to clean out and get ready to go shopping for grocery's tomorrow. Fun fun!
Looking forward to getting back into that for sure!

Hows your week going?

This morning I was stuck by 3 people for a total of 4 times trying to find a place to get blood drawn for some tests. NOT FUN! I even drank lots of water cause I was told that would help. YAH RIGHT! Me's think that I have confirmed my fear of needles once again. Sigh....

Also, I'm excited to get to be able to review a book here in the next few days. I'm in the middle of reading it and BOY is it GOOD! More on that later.

So off to fold laundry, wash more dishes, clean bathrooms, and clean our room! :-D Share


Amydeanne said...

sounds like you're busy!! I hate needles too, so i totally feel for ya!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that you had to go through that. One word "OUCH" Go read that book you desire a break.

Bethany said...

Sorry to hear abt the drawing blood thing!!! I used to hate needles too, but after injecting my own abdomen over 300 times when I was pregnant I'm MUCH better. (One would hope right??? LOL!) Hope whatever the tests were for come back what they NEED to be. Got some good CVS deals today! I'm getting back into the swing of things as far as my bargain shopping goes. Still thinking of you and Steven every day!

Anonymous said...

I going to have to get back to work in the house & get a few things done tomorrow now the job in the shop is done. Hopefully hubby won't need me for anything.

Rebekah said...

Aw, I'm sorry about all the pokes! That's the worst part of doctors and tests. I hope you find out something helpful out of all this. Still praying for you!
Love ya!

And miss you...we really need to figure out a time to get together!

