Monday, September 8, 2008


I have come to the very sad conclusion that yes.... I am out of shape. I the girl who in 2nd grade beat all the boys at track. I the girl who could toss 2 20lb kiddos/twins on each hip like it was nothing! I the girl who had awesome calves from going up and down stairs for a solid 4 hours doing housecleaning as a job. I the girl who could do just as much work as any of my brothers would when it came to yard work or house renovating. I the girl who use to be able to do a full hour of tiabo.... and now can barley look at the dvd without breaking a sweat....

I am out of shape. :-)

After a long time off of playing Volleyball with my dear husband and the group from church due to a knee injury, I finally got back into it this evening. And boy oh boy am I so sore! And its not like I did power jumps across the court or slam hits down the net.... I just played like any normal person would. I am SURE in the morning I won't be able to move. And my knee will probably be needing a brace for next time cause I am so not wanting to re injure it... But it was a fun good work out. I'm glad I went back finally... sigh even if it hurts.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Girl, I may chase Brandon and Ryan around all day, but I'm still SO out of shape. I'm glad I've lost most of my baby weight, but that doesn't mean anything when it comes to stamina or muscles!!! :)
Working out is so boring though...I need to just start walking with my boys...that's fun for everyone. Maybe...I'm such a procrastinator when it comes to any kind of physical working out though!