Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Baby Update 29 weeks

Well, weeks fly by and baby gets closer!

I had my last 4 week appt. Monday morning. Everything looks good with baby, heart rate strong and good at 148. He's an active little guy and I am still lovin it! My doctor says to Thank my mother for my genes and nice stretch marks. I use all the creams and oils every morning and night and am still getting them. Oh well! My skin just thinks its designed to have them I guess. I won't let it bother me.

My doctor said hes about 2 1/4-2 1/2 lbs now. Good little guy! Only about 11 weeks left!

I had my first glucose test done the hour before my appt. The drink wasn't to bad... but somehow I never thought about the actual "test" to check the levels... yah meaning they draw blood. And as usual they have a hard time finding a vein even though I had a alot of water that morning already. So she did it in a painful spot on my arm that would insure only having to stick me once. You can ask Rach or Kadi, I bawled like a baby it hurt so bad. I don't know why I have such a thing with needles but they are SO stinkin painful for me. I wish I could just tough it out and act like it was a no biggy but those things hurt like crazy. But got it done. So I have to wait and see from my doctor wait the results where and hopefully that will be the end of it... Not looking forward to doing that again if I have to go in for the 3 hour test. Blah!

So, now up to every 2 week apts! Not to long before baby will be here! Share

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