Saturday, August 2, 2008

Pesky little things..

I'm about to climb walls... I have pesky ants that WON'T GO AWAY!

I'm not sure WHY these pesky little things think they can invade my home.... but they are.

The other day I went to wash my rug by my door and found a trail of little ants coming into my house and going to a pair of sandals by the front door. I vacuumed them up and hope it was then end but sigh I have found them still coming in and every once in awhile I see them on the floor in our living room. And its DRIVING me CRAZY.

I'm gonna try some remedies to get rid of them but anyone else have some great ideas?

AURGH! :-) Share


Ariel said...

Oh man! that's not fun! I know my mom used to put cheyenne pepper around the door way and any other place she found them. Worked for her.

Vickie said...

I have had great success just praying them with windex. I guess its the ammonia.

cpullum said...

I have a solution!I swear buy this go to Home Depot buy AMDRO Ant Block. Kills Ants Outside so they can't come inside. First I put this down saw million of ants and with 24 hours or so all gone. This product works different because they take it back to the Queen of ants and she eats it and dies whcih means nomore ants can be produced. Everyone I have told to buy this has solved their ant problem. it runs about $15.00 comes in a plastic container I also put the block inside and my dog never touched it. love it!!!
I actully live on an ant hill.

Madonna said...

If you find something that works please let me know. I have the same problem. We have tried ant killers, cinnamon and about the only thing thats worked is spraying them with any kind of household cleaner but for every one we kill about 30 take its place. I haven't ever seen so many ants in my life. If you sit down you will have ants start to crawl on you.