Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tackle IT!

Yesterday I did a major overhaul!

I got all the rest of the extra items that where in one of our spare bedrooms out and sold at the yard sale we had this last weekend!

We did SO great at this last yard sale! It was awesome. We worked hard and got the garage of Nina's cleaned out and WOW there is a ton of space in there! Between the 6 of us who had stuff to sell we made a WOOPIN $1400.00!!!! Can you BELIEVE THAT! We were very happy with the results of the weekend. Very tired and sore for SURE, but happy.

Since I got all that out of one of my spare rooms I was in the organizing mode. I got out all the winter clothes I had stored up and got them put away to use HOPEFULLY soon. And in the midst of that I had opened up my hope chest and got out all my baby clothes (from when I was a baby) and blankets and all that such and put them all in those handy vacuum bags that I picked up months ago free from Walgreen's sales. They worked AWESOME in condensing and getting things sealed all up so they will stay in great condition! I was able to put them all in one tote along with a few other things I was putting in those bags! And I got out the rest of totes of pics I had and put them all in the chest. It made 2 of my spare clothes seem VERY empty once I was done! Amazing what those vacuum bags can do! I had a huge petticoat from my wedding up in a bag and I got it into a tiny little bag! It was great!

Once I got all that done I put everything away in the closets, vacuumed, and cleaned now the rooms are all back to how I want them! :-D A lot of work but well worth it once I was all done!!!


Kelly said...

Tackled It Tuesday!!!!???? Woman, you scored a TOUCHDOWN! Glad to hear that your sale went well, and sounds like you are one organized chicky! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

You've inspired me to use the vaccuum bags that I bought a while back as well.

Lisa Knight said...

Great tackles! I guess I need to get me some of those bags. I bought one years ago that didn't work worth beans, new technology must be better!

I only tackled the tub and the Princess' bedroom.
