Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Baking Day - Another Update!

I can not believe how much we got done! I thought my list of things to do was a bit overboard but was hoping to get the majority of it done.

Pizza Pockets in Progress

Mini Meatloaves done cooking and cooling to be put in bags.

DELICIOUS Banana Muffins!

Enjoying a muffin!

After I finish the fried rice and the muffins which are baking now I am going to bag everything once cool and then type up a post of all the recipes I used today!


Anonymous said...

WOW you have been busy.
I would love to get the recipes from you I have been doing some of the menu mom's recipes and am planning on cooking up a few things to put in the freezer. I for sure would like to have the pizza pocket recipe.

Rebekah said...

You guys got so much done! That's awesome!!! Some of that would look really good--if I wasn't so full from dinner! LOL

