Monday, January 18, 2010


I would totaly not put my son in his Cloth diapers just to see his rolls and take cute pictures of him.... :-D

And I would NEVER sit and laugh at him when he got stuck under the tv cabinet and couldn't figure out how to get out... then take several pictures of him cuase he was so just darn cute!

And of course I would NEVER GIVE him 2 passy just to laugh at how he would try to get both in his mouth...

of course not!



Leslie Anne said...

Came over from McMama's site. Cute post, particularly how he got stuck under the cabinet.

Pamela Gold said...

I love the two pacifiers. The other day my ten month old had a bottle in his mouth and was trying to jam a sippy cup in at the same time. Classic!

Staci A said...

Too too cute! Mine would always try to get 2 pacifiers in there too!